Monday, September 9, 2013

Book Club White Bean & Avocado Dip

Did I mention already that I kinda love my book club? Well, I do. And since it was the last meeting we would have during the official season of summer and there were some other shenanigans scheduled in the area around my house the same day, we had our last book club meeting here and turned it into a family affair too! Husbands and children were invited and welcomed, and after a few minutes of initial awkward introductions, it was pretty clear the meeting/cookout/whatever was going to be a success. 

I decided since it was already a warm day, I didn't want to make anything on the stove or in the oven which would increase the temperature in my already small house. Dip seemed to be the answer and then I discovered the little trick of adding avocado. I've made a hummus type dip with white beans before but to add avocado? Who doesn't love avocado? Plus this is so easy and everyone loved it! 

White Bean & Avocado Dip

- 1 can white beans, drained and rinsed
- 1 avocado, cubed
- juice of 1/2 a lime
- salt
- olive oil 
- cayenne pepper (if desired)
- garlic powder (if desired)

Literally, throw everything but the olive oil in your food processor. While its spinning add the olive oil at a drizzle until the dip looks the texture that you want it to. 

Please excuse the mess in the background. Although I do love how it looks like my Oogie Boogie candy dish is going to eat the dip. 

Adjust the seasonings as desired. We ended up adding a bit more cayenne and garlic than anticipated but it wasnt overpowering at all. 

Pour into a bowl and serve! I served mine with those pretzel chips that you can get in the chip aisle but pita chips or anything that you would normally eat with hummus would do. This isnt quite a hummus and its not quite a guacamole either, its somewhere in the middle and pretty damn tasty. 

The husband said it looked like something out of the movie The Exorcist however, he was the one who ended up adding it to his homemade salad dressings the day after book club so it must be that tasty. And don't ask me for the recipe on that one because I have no idea!

In the end, the dip was a hit. The book club meeting for the month was a lot of fun. And all ended right with the world.

Thanks for coming by and checking it out!


  1. I looooved this.
    I still think it's the perfect schmear for a burger or toasted club sandwich. Yum.

  2. The recipe is wonderful! I can't help but mention, though, that Oogie Boogie dish is amazing! I must ask, would you consider selling it? I've been on the hunt for one for years, and have never been able to get my hands on one. If interested, please contact me at!

